Welcome to your NEW Xeriscape Garden
What make a xeriscape design you ask?
This theme allows for your home to blend into the landscape with charm, elegance and simplicity. This low maintenance and low water garden is what everyone loves most! not to mention our TOP SELLING Veneer Moss Rock Borders to create the Ultimate natural/native appeal that will turn heads!

Traditional Plant Selection List:
Hyssop, coneflowers, yarrow, catmint, penstemon and ice plant
Cutting Flowers:
​Russian sage, butterfly bush, feather reed grass, blue avena grass, potentilla, blue fescue, barberry, yucca, blue mist spirea, mugs pine and lilac
Small trees:
​Serviceberry autumn brilliance, Russian hawthorn, thornless cocksure hawthorn and pinyon pine
Large Trees:
​Thornless honeylocust, spartan/skyrocket juniper, ponderosa pine, bur oak